Robert Sherwin, MD

C.N.H. Long Professor of Medicine

Section Chief, Endocrinology
Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Sciences
Yale School of Medicine

Email: | Phone: +1 203-785-4183
Dr. Sherwin graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine completed his residency in internal medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital (NY). After initiating his research career in metabolism and diabetes at the NIH, Dr. Sherwin moved to Yale as a postdoctoral fellow and was subsequently appointed to the Yale faculty. He currently serves as the Director of the CTSA-funded Yale Center for Clinical Investigation, the NIDDK-funded Diabetes Research Center, as well as the Chief of the Section of Endocrinology at Yale. His research activities span clinical and basic research and are focused on insulin-induced glucose counterregulation and alterations in brain function accompanying type 1 diabetes during insulin treatment and obesity. His studies dealing with glucose counter-regulation focus on mechanisms regulating hypothalamic glucose sensing and activation of counter-regulatory hormone release, whereas his studies on brain function utilize a variety imaging techniques (fMRI, spectroscopy, and PET) in patients with diabetes and obesity, and have shown major CNS adaptions in these conditions during changes in circulating glucose and insulin. Other work from his lab focused on immunology has led to the isolation of islet-specific T cell clones from type 1 diabetic mice that adoptively transfer diabetes. Dr. Sherwin has served as President of the American Diabetes Association, Chairman of the Medical Science Advisory Board of the JDRF, and served as chair of the FDA Advisory Committee for Endocrinologic and Metabolic Drugs. He has published over 400 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is the recipient of the American Diabetes Association Banting Award for lifetime scientific achievement, the Novartis Award, Rachmiel Levine Award, Naomi Berrie Award, the Association of Clinical and Translational Science Edward H. Ahrens, Jr. Distinguished Investigator Award, as well as two MERIT Awards from the NIH.

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