The well-being of humans and the natural environment are intricately woven together, just as the current environmental and spiritual crises are deeply intertwined. Mindfulness, Spirituality, and Planetary Health is an international and interdisciplinary collaboration that connects human consciousness and awareness of the present moment with an appreciation of the earth’s ecosystems that we inhabit. Research indicates that time spent in nature improves both physical and emotional well-being, with active environmental engagement having more benefit than passive exposure. By focusing the mind on the natural world around us with intention, we can improve the health of socio-ecological systems.
Neuroscience research reaffirms mindfulness as a skill and lifestyle that can be developed to cultivate awareness of one’s inner and outer environment. While the inner environment refers to one's habitual tendencies, the outer environment refers to planet Earth, its climate, bio-geochemical cycles and complex ecosystems.
Advance the science and practice of mindful living in harmony with nature through formal and experiential learning.
Cultivate and sustain lifestyles and learning environments that foster human and planetary well-being through mindful and spiritual practices that embrace our connections with nature.
Steering Committee
Iyad Abumoghli, Ph.D.
Founder and Director
Faith for Earth
United Nations Environment Programme
Kumanga Andrahennadi, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Mindfulness for Earth
Founder, CALM: Centre for the Advanced Learning of Mindfulness
Cynthia Jones, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita and Research Scientist
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Connecticut
Karen McComb
Director of Health Promotion and Community Impact
Student Health and Wellness
University of Connecticut
Patrick McKee
Interim Director
Office of Sustainability
University of Connecticut
Crystal Park, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of Connecticut
Rana Qaimari
Program Manager
EcoPeace Middle East
Amit Savkar, Ph.D
Interim Associate Vice Provost
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
University of Connecticut
Sean Vasington, PLA, ASLA
Director, University Landscape Architect
University Planning, Design & Construction
University of Connecticut
Daniel Weiner, Ph.D. (chair)
Vice President for Global Affairs, Professor of Geography
University of Connecticut
Membership List
César E. Abadía-Barrero,Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Anthropology and Human Rights
University of Connecticut
Iyad Abumoghli, Ph.D.
Founder and Director
Faith for Earth
United Nations Environment Programme
Rana Al Qaimari
Program Manager
EcoPeace Middle East
Zahra Ali
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
University of Connecticut
Kumanga Andrahennadi, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Mindfulness for Earth
Founder, CALM: Centre for the Advanced Learning of Mindfulness
Erik Assadourian
Gaian Way
Kinga Karlowska Atamer
Global Initiatives Coordinator
Global Partnerships and Outreach
University of Connecticut
Carol Atkinson-Palombo, Ph.D.
Professor of Geography
University of Connecticut
Oksan Bayulgen, Ph.D.
Department Head and Professor, Political Science
University of Connecticut
Jeanne Ciravolo
Director, Alexey von Schlippe Gallery of Art, Avery Point Campus
Assistant Professor in Residence, Department of Art and Art History
University of Connecticut
Robert Fahey, Ph.D.
George F. Cloutier Professor in Forestry
Department of Natural Resources & the Environment
University of Connecticut
Jeffrey Fisher, Ph.D.
Emeritus Board of Trustees
Distinguished Professor of Psychology
University of Connecticut
Audrey Girard
Assistant Teacher
Centre for the Advanced Learning of Mindfulness (CALM)
Phoebe Godfrey, Ph.D.
Professor in Residence of Sociology
University of Connecticut
Amy Gorin, Ph.D.
Interim Vice Provost for Health Sciences
Professor of Psychological Sciences
University of Connecticut
Samantha Gove
Undergraduate Student
University of Connecticut
Ian Granit
Graduate Student,
International Development and Management
Lunds universitet
John Grim, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Scholar,
School of the Environment, Divinity School, and
Religious Studies Department
Yale University
Alexandra Harden
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Geography
University of Connecticut
Alexandra Hussey
Intern, UN Faith for Earth
United Nations Environment Programme
Nashaw Jafari
Project Administrator
Sadhguru Center for a Conscious Planet
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Harvard Medical School
Cynthia Jones, Ph.D.
Professor Emerita and Research Scientist
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Connecticut
Samuel King
Research Associate
Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Yehezkel Landau, D.Min.
Landau Interfaith
Jessica Larkin-Wells
Farm Manager
UConn Spring Valley Student Farm
Maria LaRusso, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Human Development and Family Sciences
University of Connecticut
Karen McComb
Director of Health Promotion and Community Impact
Student Health and Wellness
University of Connecticut
Patrick McKee
Senior Sustainability Program Manager
Office of Sustainability
University of Connecticut
Kathryn Moore, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Art and Art History
University of Connecticut
Athulya Narayanan
Undergraduate Student
University of Connecticut
Eleanor Ouimet, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Connecticut
David Ouimette
Executive Director, First Year Programs
Institute for Student Success
University of Connecticut
Emily Pagano, MS, CPH
Assistant Director,
Health Promotion and Community Impact
Student Health and Wellness
University of Connecticut
Crystal Park, Ph.D.
Professor, Psychological Sciences
University of Connecticut
Sohyun Park, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Science and
Landscape Architecture
University of Connecticut
Luciano Quagliaroli
Undergraduate Student
University of Connecticut
Akila Rayapuraju
Clinical Research Coordinator
Sadhguru Center for a Conscious Planet
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Harvard Medical School
Zareen Reza
Undergraduate Student
University of Connecticut
Christopher Sancomb
Assistant Professor of Industrial Design
Department of Art and Art History
University of Connecticut
Sydney Seldon
Undergraduate Student
University of Connecticut
Anji Seth, Ph.D.
Professor and Interim Department Head
Department of Geography
University of Connecticut
Natalie Shook, Ph.D.
Professor and Director, Behavioral Research Lab
School of Nursing
University of Connecticut
Julia Smachylo, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Plant Science and
Landscape Architecture
University of Connecticut
Jamie Smith
Ph.D. Student, Clinical Social Worker, and Adjunct Instructor
School of Social Work
University of Connecticut
Kristina Stevens, LCSW
Director of Mental Health
Student Health and Wellness
University of Connecticut
Ngozi Taffe, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Global Affairs
University of Connecticut
Mary Evelyn Tucker, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology
Senior Lecturer and Senior Research Scholar,
School of the Environment, Divinity School, and
Religious Studies Department
Yale University
Sean Vasington, PLA, ASLA
Director and University Landscape Architect
University Planning, Design, and Construction
University of Connecticut
Daniel Weiner, Ph.D.
Vice President for Global Affairs,
Professor of Geography
University of Connecticut
Dimitris Xygalatas, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
University of Connecticut
Juan Pablo Yepes
Undergraduate Student
University of Connecticut
Student Engagement
Natural and Built Landscapes
UConn Students and Managing Climate Change
PIs: Crystal Park, Maria LaRusso |
Summary: We are studying students' perceptions of and coping with global climate change and mental and physical wellbeing. We are studying, for example, how much eco-distress (anger, anxiety, etc.) students have and how they manage it, how eco-distress is related to actions to help the environment, what resources students draw on to deal with their eco-distress (e.g., religion or spirituality, mindfulness, social support). |
Research Question: How does spirituality promote resilience and well-being in the in the context of environmental change? |
National Survey of Climate Change and Eco-Distress
PIs: Crystal Park, Chuanrong (Cindy) Zhang |
Summary: This pilot study will allow us to examine the extent to which people across the US cope with both actual (as assessed using geospatial data) and perceived climate change and how these are associated with mental and physical health and health behaviors. |
Research Question: What factors determine how people cope with actual and perceived climate change? |
Mindfulness, Nature, and Family Resilience
PI: Na Zhang |
Summary: A survey study to examine the associations between caregiver trait mindfulness, parental attitudes and behaviors regarding nature visits nature outdoor activities, and child emotional and behavioral development. |
Research Question: Do caregivers who show higher levels of mindfulness have more positive attitudes toward family nature visits and more frequently bring children to nature? Do children with greater exposure in nature show their emotional and behavioral problems? |
Mindfulness and Conflict Resolution at EcoPeace Middle East
PIs: Crystal Park, Kumanga Andrahennadi |
Summary: A study on the human mind capacities such as compassion, gratitude, empathy, nature-connectedness, and interconnectedness of EcoPeace Middle East participants pre and post mindfulness program intervention. |
Research Question: Can mindfulness-based practices integrated with eco-contemplative methods heighten awareness of the interdependent human-nature connection, cultivate innate mind qualities such as compassion, empathy and gratitude, and advance behavioral changes that support human and planetary well-being? |
Past Events

April 4, 2024
Working Group Meeting
Location: Storrs, CT and Virtual

December 2, 2023
Location: Dubai, UAE

March 6, 2023
Mindfulness for Earth: Charting a Path for Higher Education Plenary
Location: Virtual.
By invitation only.

October 19-21, 2022
Mindfulness for Earth: Charting a Path for Higher Education
Location: Old Saybrook, CT.
By invitation only.