Global Partnerships & Outreach

The Global Partnerships & Outreach (GPO) team works in collaboration with faculty, university administrators and partners around the world to advance UConn’s global initiatives. With over 180 global partners, the GPO team promotes relationship building within the UConn community and its international partnerships through programming, research opportunities, and collaboration with university units. GPO supports drafting international agreements; sharing funding and engagement opportunities; planning outreach events; and collecting data and reporting on UConn's global activitiesGPO also oversees involvement in global networks, such as Universitas 21; interaction with United Nations units/programs and subsequent reporting on such effort; and manages special initiatives such as the Norian Armenian Programs and Abrahamic Programs. To discover more about GPO, learn more... 

Team Members

Allison CasalyAllison Casaly, Ph.D.
Global Partnerships Manager

Kinga H. KarlowskaKinga H. Karlowska
Global Initiatives Coordinator

Marisa TatiwongMarisa Tatiwong
Program Coordinator (Global Partnerships & Agreements)

Rui WuRui Wu
Global Partnerships Graduate Assistant (Research & Database)