December 16, 2024 | UConn Global News
The Office of Global Affairs is committed to supporting professional development and fostering global collaboration by sponsoring staff to attend and present at key conferences. Recently, several Global Affairs staff members shared their expertise and built valuable connections through these opportunities:
Ann Keim, Advisor, Experiential Global Learning
Conference: 2024 NAFSA Region XI Conference
Presentation Title: Empowering Students to Share and Create Student-Driven Social Media
Presentation Overview:
Ann Keim showcased the Global Curators Program, an innovative scholarship initiative designed to amplify student voices through social media. The program allows students to complete five distinct social media projects, encouraging them to share their study abroad journeys and engage with a global audience. By empowering students to share their unique experiences via social media, the program fosters inclusivity, cultural exchange, and global dialogue. Attendees gained actionable insights on integrating student-driven social media into experiential learning, equipping them with strategies to enhance their own programs, promote diverse perspectives, and create opportunities for students to become ambassadors of cultural exchange.
Arthur Galinut, Director, International Student & Scholar Services
Conference: 2024 NAFSA Region XI Conference
Presentation Title: What's the Score? Issues and Updates Regarding International Student-Athletes
Presentation Overview:
Arthur Galinut discussed the evolving landscape of college sports and the unique challenges faced by international student-athletes. With recent changes in NCAA litigation, Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) considerations, and unionization efforts, the session explores the additional complexities that international student-athletes face due to student visa requirements. Attendees gained insight on effective strategies for advising both athletic departments and international student-athletes as they navigate this shifting terrain through discussion. Attendees also gained insights on staying updated with the latest developments in collegiate sports and learning practical approaches for better supporting international student-athletes.
Jennifer King, Assistant Director, International Student & Scholar Services
Conference: Terra Dotta TDU Global Conference
Presentation Title: Diving Into ISSS Student and Scholar Analytics
Presentation Overview:
Jennifer King led an in-depth session on building essential reports and queries to streamline ISSS Student/Scholar workflows. Attendees gained valuable insights into how analytics can support meeting reporting deadlines for SEVIS Registrations, full-time enrollment, and end-of-program options for graduating students. The session also covered how queries and reports can assist with scholar reporting on departures and arrivals, the Department of State's Annual Report, and other compliance needs. Finally, Jennifer shared practical tips and tricks to simplify IIE Open Doors reporting using Analytics, empowering attendees to work more efficiently and effectively.
Nadine Boudissa, International Advisor, International Student & Scholar Services
Seminar: NAFSA AACRAO Baden Wurttemberg Seminar
Seminar Overview:
Nadine Boudissa attended the 2024 NAFSA AACRAO Baden Wurttemberg Seminar. This seminar focused on the German educational system, German-American academic comparability, and student exchange between Germany and the U.S. The seminar provided visits to institutions in the state of Baden-Württemberg (BW), and participants had the opportunity to connect with representatives from the wide variety of institutions in the BW higher education landscape.
These experiences highlight the Office of Global Affairs' commitment to advancing international engagement and knowledge sharing. If you are interested in attending a conference to present an initiative in your office, please contact your unit leader for more information.

Top left: Ann Keim presenting the Global Curator program. Top right: Display of various EGL programs. Middle right: Aerial view of the conference center. Bottom: Slide from Global Curator presentation featuring students overseas.

Top left: Slide from Arthur's presentation featuring student athletes. Bottom left: The UConn ISSS Team touring UConn Hartford. Right: Arthur Galinat and Lesley Salafia after their presentation session.

Top left: Jennifer King from UConn ISSS and Christene Cooper from UConn General Counsel with Nazzy Tousi from Terra Dotta. Bottom left: Jennifer King and Noah Krieger from Terra Dotta. Right: Jennifer King filming a user testimonial at the Terra Dotta, TDU Global Conference.

Nadine Boudissa meets up with an F-1 international student participating in the Euro Tech program.