Author: WebAdmin

Helping Future Teachers Develop Global Literacy Skills

June 25, 2013 | “The issue of creating globally competent educators wasn’t something previous generations had to face, but it’s a very real issue now, and its importance is only growing,” says David M. Moss, interim director of teacher education at UConn’s Neag School of Education. “Our goal as teachers is to prepare students for all aspects of life – for personal, social, and professional success – and today, that means preparing them to be global citizens.” Read More…

UConn Student Plays Hands-on Role at Rhino Sanctuary, Part 2

November 7, 2012 | For UConn senior Alana Russell ’13 (CANR), wildlife conservation signifies for more than the subject matter that she reads about in class. The natural resources major spent her summer face-to-face with the devastating facts and figures confronting endangered wild animals – especially after she took on an unexpected role in the life of one baby rhino. Read More…