
CT Immigrants Are a Force in State Economy and Demographic Shifts

July 15, 2020 | Hartford Courant | By Kenneth R. Gosselin | “The fact that so many people in Connecticut do have one parent who is an immigrant is a higher number than I expected,” said Robert J. Fishman, executive director of the Connecticut Immigration and Refugee Coalition, a non-profit advocacy group. “And I like that, but it was higher than I thought it was.”

Kathryn Libal Reappointed as HRI Director

July 7, 2020 | Vice President of Global Affairs Daniel Weiner announced the reappointment of Associate Professor of Social Work and Human Rights Kathryn Libal to a second five year term as Director of the Human Rights Institute (HRI) effective July 1, 2020.

“In the five years since taking over the directorship, Kathy has expanded HRI’s academic, research, and teaching portfolio while also building strong relationships with faculty, staff, students and donors,” notes Weiner, “She is well known in human rights circles and provides national leadership on working with persecuted scholars, human rights practitioners, and refugees.”