January 25, 2015 | James O’Donnell, director of the Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation at UConn Avery Point, said the global average temperature is a valuable way to illustrate the impact of carbon buildup in the atmosphere.
Diaries of a Cold War Diplomat
March 19, 2014 | As Russia moved to begin annexing Ukraine’s Crimea region earlier this month, history Prof. Frank Costigliola discusses recent events in his “Rise of U.S. Global Power” class.
The Kennan Diaries
March 18, 2014 | The Kennan Diaries, spans 88 years and totals over 8,000 pages, and is full of keen political and moral insights, philosophical ruminations, poetry, and vivid descriptions.
Mapping the Spread of Tropical Disease
December 23, 2013 | Two professors at the Defense Academy had been evaluating training programs online and they were certain that it would be worth traveling 5,200 miles from Kaduna, Nigeria to Haddam, Conn. to become better acquainted with GIS technology.
Bird Flu Research Earns Professor Accolades in China
December 17, 2013 | A UConn researcher was keenly interested in the news of an influenza virus that normally only affects birds jumped to human hosts in China earlier this year.
Groomed to Guide World Diplomacy
December 10, 2013 | To advance his plan to be a career diplomat with the U.S. State Department, D’Oleo-Lundgren studied in an intensive Arabic language program funded by an endowment that UConn President Emeritus Philip Austin established.
Chief of Emergency Medicine Aiding Typhoon Victims
November 18, 2013 | Dr. Robert Fuller, medical director of the UConn Health Center Emergency Department, is in the Philippines, providing emergency medical care to survivors of the typhoon.
CSR Group to Receive Dodd Human Rights Prize
November 18, 2013 | An international group that monitors the positive and negative impacts of thousands of businesses on human rights around the globe, will be awarded the sixth biennial Thomas J. Dodd Prize.
The International Language of Science
October 28, 2013 | Perhaps most importantly, I returned to Connecticut with a sense of what I had always known but had never experienced quite like this: science is an international language, spoken around the world by people with a thirst for new knowledge.
Human Rights Conference Draws High School Students
October 22, 2013 | Violence Against Women is the topic of a human rights conference on campus that will include special workshops for high school students.